Monday 20 January 2020

Events & Exhibitions – Way to Get Right Business Momentum

Events and exhibitions is an excellent way to display your products, brand or services. In fact, it
has become one of the finest ways to communicate with your target audience effectively.
Exhibition lets you demonstrate your products and services the way you want. Any newly set up
or established organization can avail many benefits if the representation of brand done rightly.

If the event is planned, created and managed accurately, the consumer gets appropriate
knowledge about a product and he ends up buying it. To make the presentation seem more
classy and engaging, the exhibition halls have display, hoardings, a multi-story exhibits, multi-
story structures and towers etc.

The stalls or booths need to be attractive and appealing in order to ensure maximum traffic.
Products or services are displayed in a conventional yet professional space where the potential
customers are bound to come in huge numbers and set eyes on the most popular and latest
brands, services or products.

This advertising platform accurately place your product and brand where manufacturers and
buyers meet at exact time and place. Live demonstration can also be performed at exhibitions
to attract a major section of audience. It has become a crucial factor in modern age where
people are surrounded by technological advancements and there are numerous choices in front
of consumers to choose from.

You not only showcase your products or services at an event but also get valuable feedback
from customers. It is one of the most optimum platform of drawing customer’s attention,
conveying message and ensuring that right message has been delivered to customer. It has
become a great prospectus to turn the viewers into leads.

An exhibition can be considered a successful affair if people are attracted to your list of services
and show an intention to buy it. This platform lets you know about your potential customers
and also helps to identify what exactly they need. Creative booth design plays a key role in
gathering more footfalls and contributes to giving massive boost to business.

Friday 6 December 2019

Get the Most Out of Indoor Photography

Cannon eye, one of the renowned names in photography domain imparts indoor photo shoot services. The company has been delivering exceptional results to its clients through its extraordinary vision. At cannon eye, indoor photography is entirely organized on various outstanding themes and perfect proportionate of light and its angles.

The company accomplishes the task in the very same way as expected by its clients. Cannon eye is carrying huge experience of around 36 years in photography that enables it to fulfill clients’ expectations. The leading agency not just captures a product but also adds life to it through its incredible photography.

The company has been catering with lively imagery that draws viewers’ attention at first glance. The biggest benefit of this type of photography is it doesn’t require a huge budget. By making the adequate use of advanced equipment and right angles, the company adds more depth to the images.

The images are taken in such a way that it convince you to look at it again and again. The leading agency is supported with a professional studio where the most meaningful results are produced keeping in mind client’s requirement. The company is able to explore more magnificently as it knows the basics of indoor shoot.

Whether it is a portrait, picture of a bed sheet or client’s showroom, cannon eye makes sure that the picture stands out in the crowd. The incredible indoor studio photography at cannon eye is well equipped with advanced digital cameras and technical tools that are taken in use time to time.

Applying lateral thinking, the agency strives to produce most meaningful results that add value to clients business. Photography team at cannon eye are aware of modern tools-techniques thus, they are capable of infusing life in every image. Indoor photography is indeed one of the most challenging tasks but cannon eye makes it easy by applying its extensive experience.

Thursday 27 June 2019

Sell Your Services Instantly with Effective Exhibitions

Events and exhibitions are planned and managed first and then executed on a bigger platform. Products and brands are displayed there in captivating manner to attract customers. Cannon eye is a leader in advertising world and its exhibition

Friday 22 February 2019

Cannon Eye Create, Publish & Distribute Unique Content

Cannon Eye provides veracious Content marketing services India catering to your target audience. With their strategic and straight-forward approach they focus on creating and sharing valuable, relevant, and worthwhile content to attract and retain a clearly specific audience. Created with the help highly experienced team, their digital marketing services help you to building your business.
In modern time, every business want to sell their content that can connect with their audience properly in influential way. The need of unique and easy to understand text is always there in a business to generate more revenue. Cannon Eye’s digital marketing services India not just restricted to YouTube, Facebook and Twitter but they are far reaching.
In order to attract attention and generate revenues their digital marketing services centralized on creating, publishing, and distributing content for a wider section of audience. Effective content marketing service increase your brand awareness and help getting it noticed. Cannon Eye creates educational, engaging, entertaining, and meaningful content that will ultimately help increasing your online visibility.
Their advertising and marketing services in India helps you create sustainable brand loyalty providing knowledgeable information to consumers. It also helps create a willingness among consumers to purchase products from the company. The service is not about forcing customers to buy something, but helping them move towards the best product by creating awareness. The content is created for your brand and business focusing needs of customers and visitors.
They strategically promote your brand, bring online visibility, generate more leads, and help building customer relationships through their reliable marketing service. Every company want to attract more and more customers for their product, and cannon eye help them in this process through their economical SEO SMO services. With the increasing competition and rivalry among businesses, it has become important for every company to implement well written text for their valuable product. So, cannon eye is always there to help you to with their proven content marketing services.

Monday 24 December 2018

Ingenious ideas for a creative concept advertising to reach new heights.

Any brand, established or a start-up, needs the right approach to be established and further create a new benchmark for itself. To have a domineering edge over the market, one must be equipped with the elite and superlative team and tools. To hold a respective place in the industry and gain the loyalty of the customers, a brand needs the “Big Idea”.
A unifying theme or concept which defines the selling point and is precise in nature goes a long way. The use of campaign messages and advertising over the communication channels helps take it up a notch. The IMC- Integrated Marketing Communication is an important step towards successful sales and further growth of the brand and in extension the client’s company. The brand communication puts a big duress on creative concepts advertising and taking the next big step. By the use of the following, a good and creative concept marketing or advertising can take place:
·       Innovative headlines, taglines and key visuals in the right medium.
·       Being distinctive, memorial, relevant and unifying in the approach.
·       Spreading the brand’s awareness as an important step towards achieving the goals.
·       Influencing the market with a whole new branding strategy.
Cannon Eye understands the client’s requirements as per the market analysis and taking the step forward towards innovating such concepts and themes that puts the client’s name on the face of the earth. Each business is unique in its way, it may have similarities with the existing ones but each brand’s demands and rate of growth is different. Once that is understood and taken care of by the plot or strategy to go about it. Cannon Eye along its team of ‘biz-wiz’ have stratagem in setting up a complete new ball-game for the client’s brands.
·       Analyzing the competition and outlining the necessary steps to stay on-guard.
·       Visualizing and planning out the concepts and themes for a unique advertising.
·       Creating innovative and eye-opening copywriting.
·       Using of the latest and trendiest color schemes and fonts for attention-grabbing.
·       Being futurist and planning ahead.
Cannon Eye takes pride in having successful clients and with the help of carefully and creative concepts advertising helping the clients reach new heights.

Tuesday 18 September 2018

The Importance of SEO- Search Engine Optimization

We at Cannon Eye have completely adapted and work in an accelerated speed to keep up with the ever-so changing world. We hold the highest standards for our clients’ name and business. Therefore we work around the clock to keep it that way. 

Tuesday 17 May 2016

The Right Way to Photograph the Fabrics

From high end silks to handmade knits, we are all surrounded by fabrics. Texture is the most essential thing when you are photographing any fabric. Irrespective of the fabric that you are trying to shoot, you are either trying to highlight the texture or try to overcome it. A neck tie that is incorporated by thousands of woven fibers needs to look essentially shiny and smooth. A pullover might be having an intricate knitted pattern that needs to be showcased. 

By using the perfect control of soft, direction light you can do both; showcase or conceal the texture. You can create depth by the mixing shadows and highlights to bring out the textures. By using directional side lighting, you can emphasize the contrast in fabrics. 

Direct light is the counter part of side light. The soft light will fall directly on fabric. This conceals the flaws and reduces the texture. Objects if arranged on a flat surface of the table, the light would come from overhead. For objects that are arranged vertically, the light would fall straight at them from the same direction as the camera. Most knitted objects have a great texture. Side lighting is the perfect place to start. 

When you are shooting for a product it is essential the colors perfectly match as nobody wants to see only yellows or orange dresses in an advertisement. To ensure the perfect white balance, slip something into the frame that is pure white to have a clickable reference. There are plenty of opportunities for creative photography in home textile which you can explore to make the most out of it.