Tuesday, 17 May 2016

The Right Way to Photograph the Fabrics

From high end silks to handmade knits, we are all surrounded by fabrics. Texture is the most essential thing when you are photographing any fabric. Irrespective of the fabric that you are trying to shoot, you are either trying to highlight the texture or try to overcome it. A neck tie that is incorporated by thousands of woven fibers needs to look essentially shiny and smooth. A pullover might be having an intricate knitted pattern that needs to be showcased. 

By using the perfect control of soft, direction light you can do both; showcase or conceal the texture. You can create depth by the mixing shadows and highlights to bring out the textures. By using directional side lighting, you can emphasize the contrast in fabrics. 

Direct light is the counter part of side light. The soft light will fall directly on fabric. This conceals the flaws and reduces the texture. Objects if arranged on a flat surface of the table, the light would come from overhead. For objects that are arranged vertically, the light would fall straight at them from the same direction as the camera. Most knitted objects have a great texture. Side lighting is the perfect place to start. 

When you are shooting for a product it is essential the colors perfectly match as nobody wants to see only yellows or orange dresses in an advertisement. To ensure the perfect white balance, slip something into the frame that is pure white to have a clickable reference. There are plenty of opportunities for creative photography in home textile which you can explore to make the most out of it.

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